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Multiboot USB / DVD Builder with SARDU
In this section is permitted only the English language
Forum rules
In this section is permitted only the English language

Guide Guide

How can we understand what the command should be used to run a program?
Please Guide Me.

Read more : Guide | Views : 3975 | Replies : 9

Additional Applications Additional Applications

I'm new in this forum and I heard the first time of SARDU some minutes before. Now my question: is it possible to implement own or other free applications like DriveImage XML? For example to restore drive C:\.

Thanks for answer

Read more : Additional Applications | Views : 2923 | Replies : 3

Reporting errors/bugs

Please help me to help you.

Dear User,
Not all USB devices will boot (at least on some hardware). Not all hardware is compatible with the software. Before blaming SARDU, make sure the original iso works fine.
The supported softwares and distros are continuously updated, it may happen that a new version of software isn't compatible with SARDU. When reporting you must always specify the version used of BOTH the distro or software AND of ...
Read more : Reporting errors/bugs | Views : 15572 | Replies : 55

Impressed, but..

I'm very impressed with the structure and flexibility of Sardu. However, I just ran a compile which Sardu said was successful, and upon booting the stick virtually nothing worked. My extra, Hiren, didn't work, but perhaps that was my configuration of it. But neither did UBCD4Win and others. But most of all, very many items enabled in the composer, were completely absent from the menu.

I have a couple other questions about correctly labeling ...
Read more : Impressed, but.. | Views : 5491 | Replies : 14

SARDU 2 and Cyrillic fonts in Windows Setup

OK. Everything works perfect. Only one problem makes me feel uncomfortable - when working with Russian install of Windows XP - before the window "choose drive to insall your windows" appears - there is a problem with viewing cyrillic words.

If anyone knows how to fix it - I'd be grateful.

This is the problem as I see it - There should be russian cyrillic words, not crazy symbols:

After this window and afterwards ...
Read more : SARDU 2 and Cyrillic fonts in Windows Setup | Views : 5789 | Replies : 10

SARDU 2.0.2 beta 6 with Windows installer SARDU 2.0.2 beta 6 with Windows installer

New beta release with Windows Seven and XP Install options and MultiPE >2

2.0.2 beta 6

This release allow the installation of Windows XP and Seven both from ISO that USB.

In Beta 6 i added:

• Added language Bahasa Indonesia
• Change manage of PE > 2 and Install seven
• Updated USB section



I personally tested with MSDN isos in real PC and all works fine. In windows ...
Read more : SARDU 2.0.2 beta 6 with Windows installer | Views : 8167 | Replies : 11



SARDU 2 has been released

I am pleased to inform you that the SARDU 2.0.0 final version has been released.
Today for me is a very important day today my daughter Emanuela is one year. This software is dedicated to her.
In my own way I celebrate it with all of you releasing this new major release.

Summarize the changes for those who haven't used the beta version

  • New graphics
  • Autolanguage (i'm searching ...
Read more : SARDU 2 | Views : 3636 | Replies : 2

Benvenuto su phpBB3

Questo è un messaggio di esempio nella tua installazione di phpBB3. Ogni cosa sembra funzionare. Se vuoi, puoi cancellare questo messaggio e continuare a configurare il tuo forum. Durante il processo di installazione, alla tua prima categoria e al tuo primo forum è stato assegnato un opportuno set di permessi per i gruppi predefiniti (amministratori, bot, moderatori globali, ospiti, utenti registrati, utenti COPPA). Se decidi di cancellare il primo forum e la prima categoria, ricordati ...
Read more : Benvenuto su phpBB3 | Views : 3023 | Replies : 0


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