multiboot win7/ubuntu

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multiboot win7/ubuntu

Postby Solko » November 3rd, 2011, 7:28 pm

Before say anything, Ive to say thanks about this multiboot loader!!
This seems to be the only one to manage Win and Linux installation together!

About the issue:
I've mounted on my USB stick a Win7/XP and Ubuntu installation.
After installing succesfull Windows 7, I was creating a second partition with Ubuntu 11.10, but I got an error during the operation wich stopped the installation. That mean after reboot I didn't get Grub and Ubuntu either. So i tried to fix the grub menu with Boot Repair via Ubuntu, wich didn't recognize the Linux SO but mount grub menu as well. As excepted Ubuntu don't appear in list of bootable OS.

After this I've changed the ISO with Ubuntu 10.04, figuring the isssue is restricted to a bad mounting or bad image, but I got the same error.
Just to be sure isn't a Grub trouble, I've erased everything and installed only Ubuntu without Windows7, but a message told me "no partition.." or something like that...

So I removed everything from the USB stick and tried a simple booting with Ubuntu 11.10 and finally works.

Do you have any ideas about this???

My configuration:
HP G61-410EL Notebook
dev/sda1 Sys reserved/boot
dev/sda2 NTFS Windows 7
dev/sda4 extended
dev/sda6 Ubuntu 11.10
dev/sda5 Linux-swap
dev/sda3 Recovery
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Joined: November 3rd, 2011, 6:54 pm

Re: multiboot win7/ubuntu

Postby Solko » November 14th, 2011, 3:33 am

Any suggestion?
Posts: 2
Joined: November 3rd, 2011, 6:54 pm

Re: multiboot win7/ubuntu

Postby davidecosta » November 14th, 2011, 9:16 am

I can help user only with SARDU.
Never installed Ubuntu and Seven in the same pc :(
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