How I can change the look of the menu Sardu?

Multiboot USB / DVD Builder with SARDU
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How I can change the look of the menu Sardu?

Postby danielmania8 » October 11th, 2011, 6:40 am

Hi, I have a question: How I can change the look of the menu Sardu? I want to change the color of the fonts (letters) from the menu. How do I do? Thanks :roll:
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Re: How I can change the look of the menu Sardu?

Postby davidecosta » October 11th, 2011, 8:07 am

Of the Exe or of the Bootable media?
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Re: How I can change the look of the menu Sardu?

Postby danielmania8 » October 11th, 2011, 1:29 pm

The Booteable Media. I will, by design change the color of the fonts (letters) on the menu? Which file should I modify? thanks
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Re: How I can change the look of the menu Sardu?

Postby danielmania8 » October 11th, 2011, 11:24 pm

Hello Friend. ESATA seeing the number of programs that can be added to Sardu and I'm very impressed. Excellent Software. I wanted to remind you, please indicate me how I can change the color of the boot menu (the fonts or letters)?

Another thing: I was trying to join the Boot Hirents Sardu the 13 or 14, through the option and load ISOEXTRA perfect, but it seems it the creators of the program failed to correct mistakes. Example: Do not load the virus, not a disk utilities. So if you mention that Sardu not work, tell them you problem is in the Hirens Boot ISO 13 or 14. See you later
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Re: How I can change the look of the menu Sardu?

Postby davidecosta » October 12th, 2011, 8:21 am

Why change color of boot menu? The background is black...the colors chosen offer the best contrast
For hiren's you tried with last beta?
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Re: How I can change the look of the menu Sardu?

Postby aschneider » November 15th, 2011, 3:52 pm

may I change the "names" of the menu buttons?
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Re: How I can change the look of the menu Sardu?

Postby davidecosta » November 15th, 2011, 8:08 pm

The rules of software are clear
Is denied to change the backgrount, the names etc of SARDU
If you change the name, the logo or other the software will close automatically
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