SARDU RC 2 for GNU Linux

Multiboot USB and DVD with SARDU under Linux
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SARDU RC 2 for GNU Linux

Postby davidecosta » June 11th, 2015, 9:11 am

New Release: SARDU Multiboot Creator RC2 for GNU Linux

We are proud to announce the second Release Candidate of SARDU 3.x multiboot creator for GNU Linux

You have to register here this version. Don't use fake email

The server will send you one serial

When you register your version will unlook a lot of features like as:

  • Automatic updates in real time of ISOs supported
  • Search options
  • Extra Options
  • Multi Downloader
  • and more

This version in our test is very stable

Can build one USB multiboot that can boot one PC or Mac qith legacy or EFI Support

Remember: SARDU 3 is a major release. All rewritten from scratch. No one line of old code.

This version works fine until the end of July 2015 (we'll release final version befor this date :cheers: )

The windows add aren't updated

N.B. Don't delete old version of SARDU

New Release: SARDU Release Candidate 2
This version is portable
This version haven't crapware or toolbars...

This is the changelog:

  • Improved Extra management
  • Improved UEFI management
  • Fixed error with the creation of one USB in a pendrive with another SARDU
  • Added gentoo derivated
  • Improved Graphic
  • Others minors fixes and improvements.
Let us know if all works fine

SARDU 3 for linux need two dependences:
  • libx11-6:i386
  • libgtk2.0-0:i386

In Debian based you can launch this command from a console:
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install libx11-6:i386
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386

Thanks :cheers:
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