Dependency and Permission Errors

Multiboot USB and DVD with SARDU under Linux
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Dependency and Permission Errors

Postby 715 » November 16th, 2017, 2:05 pm

Hi all,
running Sardu Pro (registered version) on some linux distros, you have to install the package "lsof" and "dmidecode".
Otherwise, you may have error like:

«Executable not found: "lsof"»
«SARDU need dmdidecode»

(note: SARDU writes "dmdidecode", but you have to install the package named "dmidecode").

If you have an «Absent or limited connection» error, try to type:
Code: Select all
 ls -ls `which ping`

You will see an output beginnig as follow:

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root

If the "s" parameter is missing in your system, ping doesn't have the SUID permission by root to be runned by user.
You can fix it by typing (under root privileges) the command:
Code: Select all
chmod 4755 /bin/ping
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Joined: November 16th, 2014, 3:17 pm

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