Unable to mount

Multiboot USB / DVD Builder with SARDU
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Unable to mount

Postby dosh00 » October 1st, 2015, 2:50 pm

Hi everyone

i try create linux boot USB with SARDU, but every linux (gparted, avira rescue cd, ....) don't boot. They show error "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" or "XZ-compressed data is corrupt".
Can you help me?

USB: Corsair VOyager 32GB - formated to FAT32
Btw. old sardu 2 work very well
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Joined: October 1st, 2015, 2:47 pm

Re: Unable to mount

Postby davidecosta » November 28th, 2015, 11:13 am

The boot loader of old and new SARDU us the same.
Please try another thumb or format the pendrive with rmprepusb
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Re: Unable to mount

Postby justinjcruz » April 4th, 2016, 7:39 am

Mounting takes place before a computer can use any kind of storage device (such as a hard drive, CD-ROM, or network share). The user or their operating system must make it accessible through the computer's file system. A user can only access files on mounted media.
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