Ten Windows installer & WPE2 (10)

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Ten Windows installer & WPE2 (10)

Postby brent_c76 » December 28th, 2018, 11:29 pm

Hello - I am looking to expand my toolbox. I have noticed there are some added features for SARRDU, but I can't find exactly what they are used for.
So, If someone could direct me to, or explain to me what the Ten Windows installer & WPE2 (10) add-ons are for, and what they do, I'd appreciate it very much.

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Re: Ten Windows installer & WPE2 (10)

Postby davidecosta » January 8th, 2019, 9:41 pm

sorry but I saw the question right now
10 WIndows Installer allows you to install 10 different versions of Windows like
Windows 10, 8, 8.1, Seven, Vista, Home, Pro, OEM, different languages....
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