Light rules for Reporting Error and Bugs

Multiboot USB / DVD Builder with SARDU
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Light rules for Reporting Error and Bugs

Postby davidecosta » March 17th, 2011, 8:54 am

Dear User help me to help you.

Dear User,
Not all USB devices will boot (at least on some hardware). Not all hardware is compatible with the software. Before blaming SARDU, make sure the original iso works fine.
The supported softwares and distros are continuously updated, it may happen that a new version of software isn't compatible with SARDU. When reporting you must always specify the version used of BOTH the distro or software AND of SARDU.

  • Try if the ISO is corrupted. File --> Check ISO integrity
  • Try to format the USB with this software
  • When reporting, please specify whether the tests were done on ISO or USB.
  • You MUST NOT test on Windows VirtualPC, it is guaranteed it won't work.
  • Report if you use a netbook, one notebook, laptop etc.
  • Report if your USB is Fat32 or NTFS.
  • Try more USB
  • Try the USB in more PC
  • if the iso is not officially supported not return as a bug

It may happen that a software works perfectly in Qemu integrated and not in VirtualBox or in another Virtual Machine, or in a physical PC and vice versa, please do specify in which environment the test was made AND try doing the same thing in at least another one (as an example, Qemu AND Real PC, VMware AND Qemu, RealPC AND Virtualbox, NOT in MS VirtualPC which is re-known to be incompatible with several tools that SARDU can add to a build)
By doing this double test we can be reasonably sure that the problem lies in an incompatibility between SARDU and the specific environment where it did not work, as opposed to a "general" problem or bug in SARDU. Though it is not certain that the specific problem can or will be solved, we will try to, but we will avoid spending lots of time attempting to troubleshoot non-existing issues.
Please also specify all the choices that you used (Software, version) if possible, attach a screenshotsSample:

  • AOSS 2.0 : Did not boot up after loading the welcome screen (the same type of welcome screen that ubcd, parted magic,… see captures for both software in order to see what screen I mean)
  • Avira Data: 10 Dec 2009 - Versione : 20091210145453 : Did not booted up after loading its “tux” image (see capture)
  • Bit defender v2.0.0_3_08_2009 : black screen, did not boot up after uncompressing the two first files (no error message)
  • Mini Dr Web 5.0.0 : OK
  • F-Secure 3.11 : same black screen that Bit Defender
  • Kaspersky 2008: OK
  • Floppy Win 98 : OK

Remember: if you change the label of USB....more software cannot works fine
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