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SARDU 3.1.1 How to register ?

PostPosted: August 24th, 2016, 9:59 pm
by michael.scholz
I post this topic the second time... I dont know where it went ..?

Ok I tried to enter my registration information into SARDU for Linux , actual version 3.1.1. That means it runs well but I cant get it registered with my email & code because it wants an admin passwort that I dont know !? It is not my root password... even though thats what it states... but its not ! So why does that question pop up and how to answer ? I have to say I registered the windows version with that account data yesterday for testing but my main system is linux... ; Or do I have to register again to be able to register the linux version ?

Thanks for any hint :-)

Best regards,

Re: SARDU 3.1.1 How to register ?

PostPosted: August 24th, 2016, 10:18 pm
by davidecosta
Are yoou using Linux?
Have you extract SARDU in a folder with special characters?
Can you try to extract SARDU in C:\SARDU ?

Re: SARDU 3.1.1 How to register ?

PostPosted: August 24th, 2016, 10:51 pm
by michael.scholz
Hi Davide,

thanks for quick answering ! Yes I use Linux: Manjaro Linux KDE version ..latest Plasma Desktop.
I first just unpacked the archive to a "sardu_3.1.1-linux"-folder inside my download path of the userprofile. For testing now I copied the content of that folder to the folder "SARDU" and moved that folder to different locations :
1. tested /Daten/SARDU/ with "Daten" as my mountpoint for my second harddisk - same result as initial.
2. tested on the system drive under /home/username/SARDU/ : same result as initial... :-(

The program seems to work flawless..hmm. maybe he needs more rights to write some folder or files ? Maybe thats why the question pops up ? I dont knowl... ?

cheers ;-)

Re: SARDU 3.1.1 How to register ?

PostPosted: August 24th, 2016, 10:52 pm
by michael.scholz
Just for completeness: Kernel: 4.4.17-1-MANJARO x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.7.3

Re: SARDU 3.1.1 How to register ?

PostPosted: August 25th, 2016, 5:39 pm
by davidecosta
/daten/SARDU/ no problem.
Can you send me as PM your email that you have in

Re: SARDU 3.1.1 How to register ?

PostPosted: August 25th, 2016, 6:00 pm
by davidecosta
I just tried SARDU pro in manjaro KDE Live.
PRO or Not pro isn-t a problem...both are registered.
I see any problem with the insert of serial (due to the live without my italian keyboard?). Best solution is use Copy from the site and paste in the software