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SARDU Multiboot USB and DVD creator for WIndows

Error during ISO creation


I have discovered a problem with SARDU v2.x.. I have tested on both 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 beta 6, and the issue is the same.

I kept getting an ERROR in the log immediately after ISO extraction, and the log showed no details at all. After fooling around a bit, I discovered that the root cause was because I had extracted SARDU tool on my desktop. I then tried to move it to the root ...
Read more : Error during ISO creation | Views : 4681 | Replies : 6 | Forum : English Forum

Integrazione ISO non in elenco


è possibile integrare una ISO non presente in elenco? una di un cd che ho preparato io ad esempio, cmq sempre con boot

scusami, sono veramente nuovo di SARDU e non lo conosco ancora bene

Ti ringrazio
Read more : Integrazione ISO non in elenco | Views : 2663 | Replies : 7 | Forum : Italian Forum


1) I created a Sardu.iso
2) I opened Sardu.iso in UltraISO
3) I added some more ISO and edited the cfg files
4) I saved changes and created a new Sardu.iso

I need the new Sardu.iso to write to a USB. If I write it with UltraISO - I get error when booting. How can I write the new Sardu.iso to USB?
Read more : SARDU to USB | Views : 2315 | Replies : 1 | Forum : English Forum

SARDU dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Berikut ini adalah terjemahan SARDU dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Mohon saran dan masukan agar menjadi lebih baik.
Terima kasih


AttivaDisattivaISO=Enable/Disable ISO
ScaricaAggiornaISO=Unduh/Perbaharui ISO
AttivaTutto=Gunakan Semua ISO-IMA
DisattivaTutto=Disable all ISO-IMA
Aggiorna=Periksa Pembaharuan
CreaISO=Buat &ISO
CreaUSB=Buat &USB bootable
AggiornaUSB=Perbaharui USB
AggiornaMenuSARDU_USB=Perbaharui hanya menu SARDU
AggiornaFirme=Perbaharui databases
CreaImmagineISO=Buat image ISO
CreaUSB_Aviabile=Buat USB bootable
Chiudi=Tutup SARDU
SoloPE=* Hanya sebuah PE untuk kategori ini
ScaricaAggiornaFile=Unduh/Perbaharui ...
Read more : SARDU dalam Bahasa Indonesia | Views : 3569 | Replies : 2 | Forum : Languages

Guide Guide

How can we understand what the command should be used to run a program?
Please Guide Me.

Read more : Guide | Views : 3974 | Replies : 9 | Forum : English Forum

Additional Applications Additional Applications

I'm new in this forum and I heard the first time of SARDU some minutes before. Now my question: is it possible to implement own or other free applications like DriveImage XML? For example to restore drive C:\.

Thanks for answer

Read more : Additional Applications | Views : 2923 | Replies : 3 | Forum : English Forum

Integrare la iso di XP

Salve Davide
Innanzitutto un apprezzamento per il tuo lavoro.....
mi ha tolto d'impaccio parecchie volte, ma l'unica cosa che non riesco a fare e integrare la mia copia di installazione di XP .
La devo rinominare ?? in "Install_XP_pro*.iso" ?? ma quell'asterisco ?? lo devo sostituire con SP3 ??
Continua a darmi errore
AutoIt error
Line 10913 ( file"c:......)
Error : Variable Used without being declared

Bhè intanto grazie............... e buon lavoro da un mezzo ...
Read more : Integrare la iso di XP | Views : 2407 | Replies : 5 | Forum : Italian Forum


ciao e innanzitutto grazie per questo ottimo Tool, che tanto e' piccolo come MB e tanto e' GRANDE come possibilita' di utilizzo ... :D

Dato che stavo gia' da un po' cercando di costruirmi una USB stile "coltellino svizzero" da usare in tutte le emergenze, non sai quanto mi
e' stata utile la scoperta di questa tua Utility.
Confesso di non capirci poi molto su Linux, ...
Read more : RIPLinux | Views : 2716 | Replies : 6 | Forum : Italian Forum

Reporting errors/bugs

Please help me to help you.

Dear User,
Not all USB devices will boot (at least on some hardware). Not all hardware is compatible with the software. Before blaming SARDU, make sure the original iso works fine.
The supported softwares and distros are continuously updated, it may happen that a new version of software isn't compatible with SARDU. When reporting you must always specify the version used of BOTH the distro or software AND of ...
Read more : Reporting errors/bugs | Views : 15572 | Replies : 55 | Forum : English Forum

Impressed, but..

I'm very impressed with the structure and flexibility of Sardu. However, I just ran a compile which Sardu said was successful, and upon booting the stick virtually nothing worked. My extra, Hiren, didn't work, but perhaps that was my configuration of it. But neither did UBCD4Win and others. But most of all, very many items enabled in the composer, were completely absent from the menu.

I have a couple other questions about correctly labeling ...
Read more : Impressed, but.. | Views : 5490 | Replies : 14 | Forum : English Forum


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